We are often asked when a good time to buy real estate is. Our response is best summed up in what Waren Buffet once said: “Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy”. The above wise advice from the Oracle of Omaha describes our investment philosophy. We believe that any time […]
Category Archives: 2023
(Supporting charts and data referenced herein are included as an Appendix to this snippet) In the past few of weeks, many of you reached out to get my thoughts on whether they should buy a home now or wait. The economy and rates are certainly top of mind for many … thereby making the decision […]
I had the pleasure of attending the Limitless Financial Freedom Expo in Phoenix, AZ earlier this month. The event was hosted by Ken McElroy and Tarl Yarber and a number of key operators in the real estate industry were there – Robert Kiyosaki, Brandon Turner, David Greene, Thach Nguyen, Mauricio Rauld, Ashley Wilson, to name […]
In a prior article, we briefly mentioned other alternatives to real estate syndications. A few of you asked us to expand on the crowdfunding concept. Therefore, based on popular demand, in today’s quick snippet, we will cover some of the pros and cons of crowdfunding (relative to syndications). As a quick refresher, crowdfunding platforms operate […]
How do I avoid making a bad investment or buying a bad property? This is the question many investors (active or passive) ask as they encounter new investment opportunities. In today’s quick snippet, we seek to provide our view on a few items to consider to help mitigate that risk. 1. Know your investment criteria. […]
A capital call is a provision in the real estate investment structure that allows the sponsor to request (call for) additional capital. When the business plan progresses as planned and/or when the market cooperates, it is very rare that the sponsor team would need to make a capital call. However, as with any investment, there […]
In a prior article we discussed the benefits of investing in multifamily (vs. other commercial real estate asset classes). After making the decision to focus on multifamily, many investors are then often faced with having to choose between small (5-50 units) or large (100+ units) multifamily properties (multis). While one has the potential to earn […]
I was speaking to a colleague of mine recently. Unfortunately that individual had just received the monthly financials from a syndication that they were passively invested in and was quite concerned, as the cash and cash flow were tight. In addition, the sponsor had stated that distributions were being suspended. That particular deal, like many […]
I had a conversation earlier this week with a few people – some were curious and others were upset that I did not reach out re my last deal….. First of all let me apologize. Secondly, let me take a moment to clarify the process and hopefully by doing so avoid a similar misunderstanding in […]
Today’s snippet will be a bit longer than usual. However, in an effort to keep you aware of current market dynamics, we think it is important to share our takeaways from two industry conferences we recently attended and address recent news. We have gone through unprecedented series of events that are still developing and will […]